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I live in Capel St Mary, just south of Ipswich, Suffolk with my wife Mandy and our son Harry. Everything you commission me to do, and pay me for, is done by me personally. I do not use a 3rd party.

My 20 years in website development, WordPress training, mentoring people, business support and app building since 2020 has given me me access to even more individuals who are carving out their independent path. I admire everyone who has their own business and am keen to see them get true value for money. I understand the risks, worries, and commitments that come with any purchase, and I am committed to supporting individuals in their pursuit of success.

In my free time, I volunteer as a Community First Responder. Dispatched by ambulance control, I am often the first on the scene to offer support to individuals who have called 999. I am passionate about the chain of survival and educating people on how to recognise that someone needs CPR. As a Heart Start instructor, I offer free 2-hour sessions to businesses, groups, or organisations to build confidence in performing good quality CPR to help improve out-of-hospital survival.

When I engage with a any company or organisation, I ask questions and may even take an inbound enquiry or process a new order myself as part of the process. I sit over the shoulder of people that will use the app and just watch what’s currently done. I then make the app to fill the gaps, automate the process and be sure that everyone I learned from will be happy, adopting our new creation.

If I can see than an individual will struggle with change, I can involve them and reassure all and everyone early on. 

To learn more about my professional background, please visit my LinkedIn page. Some of my reviews are here. For personal interaction, feel free to follow me on Twitter Facebook and Instagram. I look forward to connecting with you via my contact page, maybe even helping you soon.  


I can give you Friday off, and give your business the margin and capacity to grow. A chat is free, just try and avoid Fridays (of course).   Phone me any time or book a visit on my calendar.