The BBC came and filmed me about the iDataTruck RaspberryPi project in early December 2014 and it was shown on the home page of the BBC website on Wednesday 14th January 2015. It was the second most watched on-line video that day, often being the most watched a few times during the day. It had 196,00 views in 24 hours and was re-tweeted to over 3.5million people within 48 hours.
This website ( saw 10,000 hits in the initial 72 hours with a very strong bounce rate. My own website had 750 new users in 96 hours and mostly from the UK. (there is a link on the bottom of the IDataTruck website to my own website, as I made the website myself).
35 people Googled “Andy Proctor” to find my website (and 28 stayed). My own bounce rate on this website has suffered as a result though. I wouldn’t say that I have had any more work for websites from it, but I have had over 25 emails offering tools, support and services from Universities, Businesses and individuals wanting help and support me with my RaspberryPi projects.
I am very excited and humbled by the contacts, tweets and people saying that they have shown my video to classes, presentations and seminars on programming, self development and motivational sessions as one-to-one and large groups – all because of the YouTube video I uploaded and the BBC seeing this and contacting me about making this film.
The video is below and can also be watched on the BBC website.
Tags: Bar Code, BBC website, iDataTruck, RaspberryPi, RaspberryPi project, RFID tags
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