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  • Face Shields Mid April

    22nd April 2020.

    Free Face Shields for care homes, nursing homes, front line ambulances, carers and front line clinicians.

    Having a 3D printer I wanted to do my bit and it soon got out of hand – but that’s a good thing!

    Free face shield visors for care homes and nursing homes in Suffolk and Essex UKI have had a 3D printer for a few years and I am no master of the art of 3D printing but I can drive it within the lines. I have been running two Prusa printers at home for the last week with the addition of the odd one out below being an Eryone Thinker. The first is my original Prusa from Pete in a lovely clean and well lit case that I made for 3D printing.  Then came the middle Prusa on loan and the case was a little rushed with no lighting to get it going and had to be mounted sideways to make it fit. BM Ambulance then purchased a 3rd 3D printer also on loan to speed up production and the case was very rushed and doesn’t have lights either, still needing hinges and a few adjustments – but they all work (most of the time).

    With the plates needing clearing and resetting every 1:45 it has been monotonous, but no where near the sacrifice of many during these times.



    Nurse with face shield in IpswichThe real reward has been seeing them out with very appreciative users with around 600 (22nd April) out with people as a result of mine, David and Grahams 3D printing efforts, my Uncle Micheal and Aunty Wendy’s shield cutting, fitting and distribution as well as Stephanie next door also cutting, fitting and delivering our face shields to those that need them. Others have helped with dropping off and picking up and Maker Space Ipswich have also given around 200 of their Face Shields to distribute not included in the value above.

    A few people have supported the need for materials and many have ordered PLA (material) and acetate sheets on-line with delivery to my house and many people have also dug out and handed over (from a distance) OHP sheets from stock cupboards. A couple of people have donated on PayPal and another by BACS to help with the costs. We have not charged for a single face shield even when offered a donation. No matter how rich the organisation, it has not been about money it has been about supply issues and not being able to get stock.

    Another update will follow. If you want to see more about face shields, download the files to make them yourself and see the cutting and fitting production line there is a page here


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